"What is most unusual about her are her flirty eyes which, according to Christiane Graefnitz, a renown papier-mache expert, means she was made by Andreas Voit as he is the only doll maker in Germany who used flirty eyes in the early dolls."
1840's Papier Mache Doll with Rare Flirty Eyes
Edyth's Brown Dress
The opportunity to look at this old dress was so fun for me. As I usually do, I took loads of pictures so that I could refer to them later when I make the dress up. If you are an antique clothing buff/expert, I welcome any feedback you have about the dress and it's age. It is a fairly basic princess seamed dress style. My guess after looking at the online collections at Wisconsin History.org is that it's from the 1870's. The brown dress seems to be constructed by machine, but there is also a lot of hand sewing in it's construction. The seams have a kind of twill tape which was attached at the time the seams were sewn. I'm assuming this was done to give stability to the curved seams.
of both sections jointed together
and then pressed to the side.
is the simple style,
and it shows how applied trim
can transform a basic dress.
There are bias tape bands
sewn at the hem
of the skirt and the sleeves.
Antique Clothing and the Use of Trim
What sets this set apart form others, besides the near mint condition, is the wonderful tabbed bodice with long revers that extend well below the waist line~ this most definitely belonged to a very well to- do little girl!
Instructions for Making a Doll’s Waist Pocket
Large bag like pockets preceded our common practice of sewing pockets into garments themselves. Women wore pockets tied around the waist with long strings, under the skirt but over the petticoat. These waist pockets were accessed by means of an opening in the side of a lady’s skirt. They were sometimes worn in pairs, one on each side. Some of the most beautiful examples are decorated with crewel embroidery. The pocket might hold many things, such as household keys or a bit of needlework or a sewing rollup.
Click Here for the PDF pattern
These directions are for making a doll sized pocket. Your choice of fabrics used will determine the success of the project.
This is a great use for a special small scrap. Also needed is some type of binding which can be bias cut light weight cotton fabric 1 inch wide, or as in the illustration shown, old used cotton seam tape. A soft piece of old ribbon is another excellent choice.
Instead of using a strip of bias cut fabric, finishing the edges with a binding of twill tape is also correct. Cotton twill tape may be dyed for this purpose. This is one type of tape which was woven on small hand-held wooden tape looms. Women and girls carried these interesting little looms about with them, to make use of spare moments, (we will not say idle moments!) A nearly endless list of uses existed for these tapes, as can be shown in any collection of early household linens or garments, particularly children’s garments.
Making the Pockets
Resize these pattern pieces as you need them! The smaller one may suit our little Izannahs as it is. The larger one will suit a larger doll or may be sized down. Trace and cut out paper shape.
From fabric chosen for the back of the pocket, cut one back piece without a slit. The back may be of medium heavy fabric to add shape and substance to the finished piece.
Cut one pocket front and front lining if wanted with a slit from the top as marked. The front of the pocket can be of light weight quilted work, or any other attractive fabric which will give an 18th century or early 19th century look to the pocket.
Baste or pin the front to the front lining if any. Finish the center slit with a piece of bias cut fabric At the point of the slit, either a double outside miter may be used or the extra fullness may be gathered and eased with tiny stitches.
When the front slit is finished, baste the pocket front to the back, right sides out, and sew binding around the sides and bottom of the pocket. To complete the pocket, the center of a long piece of binding is sewn across the top of the pocket and extended in both directions to make waist strings.
Click Here for the PDF pattern
Copyright Edyth O’Neill 2010 Thank you for respecting copyright. This pattern is for your personal use, not to be copied for others. However, please feel free to use the patterns on any dolls you might wish to dress and sell. Thank you, Edyth
Queen Anne Doll Challenge

Wonderful Antique Folk Art Cloth Doll
This doll has sold, but she sure is fun to study!
Even the stiffened doll bonnet and face.
similar to a papier mache or china doll body.
The bonnet is attached to her head.
Both the bonnet and the face are stiffened
somehow so they are very, very hard.
Similar in feel to the way Izannah Walker's are made,
but the top layer is a woven cloth and not stockinette.
And the colors of her boots and stockings
are so wonderful! Love the gold and green.
Her dress and apron are so charming.
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